Transmission from my progressed chart.
De nada, ninos.
My Aquarius Mars sextiling my Aries Venus
says thus.
Drink lemon water.
Drink green tea.
Fuck sugar.
You don't need that shit.
Let your Coca-Cola be hijacked
by a bumbling media saturated teddy bear.
Leave the glitter and sixty dollar lipstick pouts
to Disney Princesses and their dopey ilk.
Scrawl terror across your tabula rasa.
Esta es para La Raza.
Por que?
Because Lou Reed's "Transformer."
Because David Bowie, I guess.
Duran Duran? Yeah. Sure.
New York Dolls.
You can follow Jennifer Nicole Lee at Instagram.
Brothel courtesans dig her killer body.
We should all be so lucky.
Luck? Fuck.
You gotta work, girl.
The mirror ain't magic and it owes you
exactly nada.
Once upon a time a very little girl.
Once upon a time a skeleton.
Once upon a time a puddle of puke.
Once upon a time muerte.
Once upon a time the warrior queen
who ate the fucking world.
You can count the stripes of blood
if numbers are your thing.
De nada, ninos.
My Aquarius Mars sextiling my Aries Venus
says thus.
Drink lemon water.
Drink green tea.
Fuck sugar.
You don't need that shit.
Let your Coca-Cola be hijacked
by a bumbling media saturated teddy bear.
Leave the glitter and sixty dollar lipstick pouts
to Disney Princesses and their dopey ilk.
Scrawl terror across your tabula rasa.
Esta es para La Raza.
Por que?
Because Lou Reed's "Transformer."
Because David Bowie, I guess.
Duran Duran? Yeah. Sure.
New York Dolls.
You can follow Jennifer Nicole Lee at Instagram.
Brothel courtesans dig her killer body.
We should all be so lucky.
Luck? Fuck.
You gotta work, girl.
The mirror ain't magic and it owes you
exactly nada.
Once upon a time a very little girl.
Once upon a time a skeleton.
Once upon a time a puddle of puke.
Once upon a time muerte.
Once upon a time the warrior queen
who ate the fucking world.
You can count the stripes of blood
if numbers are your thing.
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