Friday, December 16, 2016


Oh! You think I'm JOKIN'?!

Today I feel AMAZING because I got up before the sun and gave my son a pep talk before he left for school. He's learning at the age of nine that there are assholes in the world who will whisper and judge and label. My son was on the brink of tears when I first saw him this morning. He was sitting on the sofa with a half-eaten bowl of Cookie Crisp on the coffee table. When he left for school he was SMILING because of me! I'm magic!

Breakfast is two eggs boiled motherfucking hard, hot lemon water and olive oil drizzled sea salt speckled asparagus spears. Damn it feels GOOD to be a gangsta! Now I'm ready to kick that Planet Fitness ASS!

Here are some hot links for ya. MUTHA. BOUND. And BOUND. I delight in the light of my soul without apology. Salud!


  1. that is like the most gangsta breakfast ever. funny cookie crisp should be mentioned in jackson's coming of age tale. that was one of those cereals we didn't have in my house, so i thought it was a cool people cereal. when it was discontinued, it was a relatively adult experience- learning that something that seemed so wonderous had a dark side, and this whole dark side shit to begin with. death valley. this was in the earlier nineties, before it made a comeback- one that i guess met the FDA's standards? : )
    keep it gangsta painta

  2. Gracias, muchacha. Loved me some Cookie Crisp back in the old school day. Lived in a government subsidized apartment with my mom and two siblings but somehow we were able to afford the occasional box of Cookie Crisp. Magic! We mostly ate Malt-O-Meal, though. I'm a weird erratic mom. I'm all Whole Foods this organic that but sometimes I cave and allow peanut M&Ms and Snickers ice cream bars and ridiculous cereal. I can only afford Whole Foods twice a year, alas...but asparagus and eggs ain't that expensive at this Texas chain grocery store I frequent. Balls to the motherfuckin' FDA wall! Solidarity, sista! xxxooxxx

