One day the chimpanzee named Koko Loko was curious so he rode a bus to New Orleans. He ate some gumbo. The roux was perfect, thick and spicy. Koko Loko washed down the spicy gumbo with some Mexican beer because that was just how he rolled. There was an old school jukebox in the corner, glowing green and purple and gold. Koko Loko fed it endless quarters because his progressed moon was in Pisces and he wanted to encourage his endless tears. Catharsis it be called, dawg.
Around two or three in the a.m. Koko Loko walked down to the river. It was mud and water as always but in his drunk dream monkey mind it was ink writing the story of his life.
"Nothing's superfluous about this circus," Koko Loko said.
He went on living. Fuzzy.
Around two or three in the a.m. Koko Loko walked down to the river. It was mud and water as always but in his drunk dream monkey mind it was ink writing the story of his life.
"Nothing's superfluous about this circus," Koko Loko said.
He went on living. Fuzzy.
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